Gujarati Blog videos by JUGAL KISHORE SHARMA Watch Free

Published On : 21-Mar-2023 08:58am


आलम्बनतया भाति योऽस्मत्प्रत्ययशब्दयोः ।

अन्तःकरणसंभिन्नबोधः स त्वंपदाभिधः ॥

मायाविद्ये विहायैव उपाधी परजीवयोः ।

अखण्डं सच्चिदानन्दं परं ब्रह्म विलक्ष्यते ॥

Meditation and silence can be very beneficial for both the mind and the body. In our fast-paced and often stressful world, taking some time to be still and quiet can help us to slow down, become more aware of our thoughts and emotions, and find a sense of calm and inner peace.